Manuka honey is produced by bees that feed on the flowers of the manuka bush. This special type of honey is known for its ability to destroy infection-causing bacteria. Manuka Honey is excellent for the treatment of acne because acne is caused by bacteria that clog the pores and Manuka Honey contains very powerful antibacterial properties. This kind of antibacterial honey is found in New Zealand and has natural healing properties that repair the skin affected by acne. In addition to being used for acne treatment, Manuka honey is also effective in treating other skin conditions such as burns, eczema, ringworm, infected wounds, etc.
Research has shown that Manuka honey has the ability to draw moisture out of the acne-causing bacterial cells, making it impossible for them to survive. It rids impurities from the skin, along with unclogging pores and clearing breakouts. Manuka honey acne treatment functions by penetrating deep in the blocked follicle, killing the bacteria, and unblocking the follicle to release the infection. As the follicle is cleared and sterile, the acne heals rapidly while reducing, and sometimes preventing the formation of scars.
Many acne products contain certain ingredients that can dry the skin and cause other negative side effects. Manuka honey has been found to cause none and is very moisturizing. The hydrating quality of Manuka honey helps to decrease the irritation caused by acne and other skin problems. It’s anti-inflammatory properties also help to reduce redness, pain and swelling. By applying Manuka honey to affected areas, blemishes and acne scars will disappear, restoring your skin to its original form.
Using Manuka honey for pimples, blemishes and acne scars is a gentle way of ridding dryness and cleansing your skin. If the thought of using pure Manuka Honey on your skin is not desirable, try using Honeymark’s Acne Cream containing Manuka Honey.